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Display and Calibration

Mirror Me Booth Calibration
Hello Mirror Me Booth owners! In this article, we will show you how to calibrate your screen. Before you calibrate, make sure to set your Display Setti...
Touchfoil XT Controller Calibration
Hi all! It's time to calibrate your touch-screen! 1. Make sure your touch screen is connected directly to the computer's USB port. 2. Do...
Spire Photo Booth Calibration
It's time to calibrate your touch-screen! Since the Spire Photo Booth has two screens, during the calibration process we will to manually define the...
Mirror Photo Booths Display Settings
Hi Mirror Booth owners! Let's make your booth display the best it can be! [Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube] First ...
Spire Photo Booth Display Settings
Hi Spire Photo Booth owners!  First thing first - Connect your TV to the computer using an HDMI cable. 1. Right-click anywhere on your desktop and s...
Retro Photo Booth Display Settings
Hi all! This video will show you how to set your SurfacePro computer display settings: [Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube] ...
TV Display \ No Signal Troubleshooting
Hi Owners. This article will help you troubleshooting display issues on your computer. First, make sure that your TV is powered. If it doesn't t...