Hey guys,
With your Foto Master Photo Booth software, we provided you with the Foto master SlideShow app! This app allows you to present a slide show of your event folder (or any local folder on your computer) during your event.
1. Set your secondary monitor on which you will present your slideshow display. Follow this article for further instruction.
2. Open your calibration tool and calibrate the mirror's touch screen. Click here for calibration instructions
3. Open your Foto Master's Slideshow app, Select the folder containing the photos, set the photo duration and which effects will be used, and click start.
4. Using the mouse, drag the Slideshow app to the second screen and click CTRL+F to enter full screen mode.
Monitored folder: Select the folder you'd like to present its content. Click the [...] button and browse your computer to change it.
Photo duration: Set how long each photo would be presented on the screen.
Transitions Duration: Set how long each transition animation will take.
Background color: Set the color that will appear as the slideshow's background.
Highlighted in Orange are different Transition animations. Select which effect you would like to be used in the photo transition. You can select as many as you'd like.
That's all, super easy!