Hi Guys!

This article will teach you about two awesome features in the Foto Master Photo Booth software - Signature and Draw on Final Photo.

These features allow the guests to add a signature or drawing and use stamps/virtual props on the final preview of their photo.


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Signature vs. Draw on Final Photo - What is the difference?

With the Signature feature in your workflow, you (the owner) will choose the signature's location in advance, via Photo Layout Tab. Once this feature was added to your workflow, the signature's placeholder will be added to the Photo Layout and you can choose its size and location:

With the Draw on Final Photo feature in your workflow, your guests will be presented with the final photo's preview and can freely sign and draw over it:

Feature Settings:

Signature W X H 
Set the size of the area in which the user can sign/draw (indicated by red borders).
Signature Top X Left
Position the defined signature/drawing area on the screen.
Support Multi-touch
Select this option to have a number of users sign simultaneously. If it's not selected, you can also draw by using your mouse.
Line Size
Set the radius/thickness of the drawing line.
Show Done/Clear/Undo Buttons
When checked, users will be able to click the 'Done' button to proceed, re-do their creation by clicking the “Clear” button, and "Undo their last step (limited to 20 steps back).
Start Countdown On First Touch
Check this box to start the countdown only when the user first touches the screen.
Drawing Time
Allows you to set the amount of time (in milliseconds) for the users to draw their creation before the Workflow moves on to the next state.
Enable Color Selection
When checked, a color selection option will appear on the screen upon entering the state.
Use Neon Effect
Check this box to enable neon pen coloring. If this box is not checked, the pen will draw in color without the neon effect.
Random Color On Start
If the ‘Random Color On Start’ box remains unchecked, you will be able to select the color of the drawing tool in the state.
Show Stamps
 Check this box to enable Stamps/Virtual props.
Stamps Directory
Choose the folder that contains your selected stamps or virtual props.
Stamp W X H
Select the stamps’ desired width and height.
Signature Icons DirectoryChoose the folder that contains your selected signature icons.



To use this feature, Add a Signature\Draw On Final Photo feature to your Workflow. It should be before the Preview and Save Final Photo Feature states.

Open the Features Tab and select the Sign & Draw section and check the "Show Stamps" box, to enable that feature. 

Then, load the Stamps Directory. In the Preset Pack, you have the Samps and Virtual Props folders, and you can of course edit the content of these folders or create new folders with your custom stamps, as you desire.

To Load the Stamps folder, browse to: C:\MirrorMeBooth\Stamps 

To Load the Virtual Props folder, browse to: C:\MirrorMeBooth\Virtual_Props

Common Issues & Solutions:

1. The photo is saved without the Border\without the drawing: Make sure you have the Save Final Photo state after the Draw on Final Photo\Signature feature.

2. Broken image files instead of icons: If you can't see all of the icons assets in the Feature, it means that the Signature Icons Directory is blank. Go to the Features tab> Sign & Draw and make sure you have the C:\MirrorMeBooth\Assets\Signature there.

If you can't see the stamps and you see a broken image file, check your stamps folder: C:\MirrorMeBooth\Stamps.

Make sure you don't have any hidden files (usually 4kb files) in that folder. If there are - delete them.

3. The Signature is not showing on the photo: Make sure that the signature element in the photo layout is above other elements, you can see it in the left list. When an element is at the top of the list, it means it's in the background. Move it forward by dragging it down.

That was it! Enjoy