Hi all!

This article will show you how you can import videos to the VideoFlip software and create new flipbooks from it.

As of V10, you can import .mp4 files directly to the software.

1. Place the video file in C:\VideoFlip\events\{Your_event}\Videos

2. To be able to select that video in the VideoFlip software, we'll need to create a Thumbnail for it. Place an image file (.jpg) in C:\VideoFlip\events\{Your_event}\Thumbs

*Important - the video and the thumbnail file should be named with the same name*

3. In the VideoFlip software, click on the settings tab and select the event folder in which you placed your video.

4. Click on the Flipbooks tab and select the desired video and click "Load Flipbook".

Now a new Flipbook was created and you can print it and give it to your guests! Very easy!

V9 and down:

With older versions, you will need to load your video as an overlay that will be applied to your flipbook. In order to do that, you will need to use a .flv format video (you can use any video converter software).*

1. Place the video file (.flv format) in C:\VideoFlip\Overlays\source

2. To be able to select that video in the VideoFlip software, we'll need to create a Thumbnail for it. Place an image file (.jpg) in C:\VideoFlip\Overlays\thumbnails

3. Open the VideoFlip software and make sure the flipbook recording time is the same length as your video (in the Settings tab > General).

4. Click on the Overlays tab and select your video file.

5. Click the record button to start.

*You can always use the free FFMPEG using the command line:

ffmpeg -i {file_name}.mp4 -q 0 -ar 44100 {new_file}.flv) 

Download FFMPEG