Hello, everyone!

The Random Animation state allows you to work with the same preset yet have your guests experience a different animation set each time they start the session. This article will show you, step by step, how to use this cool option.

So how does it work?

The list of animations you create will be played randomly, one at each time, once you start the preset (as opposed to just one fixated animation). Every time the Workflow reaches this state, an animation will be selected randomly from the list you have prepared.


[Can't see the video? Click here to watch on YouTube]

How to create a Random Animation List:

In your workflow, add a new state and choose Random Animation Type of state (if you already have an Animation state, you can replace the Type of the state):

Once you choose this type of state, the state will look like this in your workflow:

Click on the [...] button, and a new window will open. Add a state and load the animation you desire (pressing on the browsing button). You can add as many animation states as you want.

Note: Don't forget to add a Next State Trigger; Touch - if you want the animation to be triggered by touch or time if you want it to go to the next state after a certain amount of time in ms (recommended time is included in the animation's name and will be selected automatically).

Example: In this workflow, you can see that the first state is a Random Animation state. That state includes a list of different "Touch To Start" animations. Each time a new session will begin, a different "Touch To Start" button will be presented on the screen: